Saturday, December 18, 2021

 On the fifth day of Christmas my mum gave to me:

Five tennis balls!
Four Collie birds
Three best friends
Two back leg gloves
A piece of her favourite pear tree.
So you know how good I am at almost anything, especially modesty and being humble, well mum dresses me up in tinsel (once were wolves eh?) and said lie down here son next to these tennis balls which I have cunningly disguised as a pyramid. So being a good boy I do it and do it well, then why not throw them all in the air for a good photo op, easy I said I can catch them all. One, two, three and all the balls go into the air, guess how many I caught?
Big fat zero, what am I official ball picker upper, I don't think so. I'll catch when I'm good and ready, what's for tea?

Friday, December 17, 2021

 On the fourth day of Christmas my mum gave to me:

Four Collie birds
Three best friends
two back leg gloves
A piece of her favourite pear tree.
OK I know this is a big stretch, but you try finding something to rhyme with calling birds, the first one that came to mind was not light and fluffy that's for sure!
My mum says it will be OK because I'm a Huntaway Collie cross and I'm her darling little angel - picture a sloppy kiss on my head while she says it - so I must have wings (pass the sick bucket there).
'Dad she's kissing me again!'

Thursday, December 16, 2021

 On the third day of Christmas my mum gave to me:

Three best friends
Two back feet gloves
A piece of her favourite pear tree.
I went down the river with Aunty Jean and my Dad, we had a great time swimming, running then more swimming. Check out how many times I had to get back on the board, I just couldn't decide if I should be an ON PUP or an OFF PUP on Dad's SUP (stand up paddle board) Big licks 🙂

 On the second day of Christmas my mum gave to me:

Two back leg gloves
A piece of her favourite pear tree.
You should have seen mum getting me to wear them LOL, she made a big bag of treats thinking I would find it hard - it was easy peasy but I still ate the treats - result!
Check out the wonky tail not sure what happened there 🙂

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

On the first day of Christmas

 On the first day of Christmas my mum gave to me:

A piece of her favourite pear tree. Well it's actually a big stick that she threw in the lake while we are on holiday but it's the thought that counts 🙂