Thanks guys, i really like the idea of small steps as some of our students come to us straight out of school and have little if any knowledge of what nursing in any form involves, I find that I often have to take students back to the basics of understanding our language (terminology) as this seems to be the thing that frightens them the most, I would love a dollar for every time I have said, 'print this out (i know not very sustainable) stick it to the back of the toilet door so you see it every time you visit and it will stay in your brain" I think you are right Helen I often overlook the need to show students how to study, I can remember my nursing and the first thing we did was a study skills day, where we were shown how to make mind maps, draw pictures to link ideas (my favourite) and stuff like that, It was very helpful.
I think a day before the course showing things like this would help the student to feel part of a group without much pressure and give them an insight into what distance studying really means. I went to the imbedding literacy forum yesterday and was interested in how this is becoming a requirement, but it got me thinking about how we can support more than just literacy and numeracy, I am really interested in how we connect to other people and how they help us to learn, mentoring comes to mind, as I remember my nursing mentor's help, we still keep in touch even though it's 30+ years ago so definitely made a connection there. Going a bit off track but I guess that's the whole idea of forums so we can blurb away and get feedback, bit like blogging I suppose, something I'm also getting into.
Isn't connecting with others great!
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